an independent, private, highly selective carol peletier of the walking dead. loved and cherished by stephanie.


01. first off, hello! thank you for reading my rules. my name is stephanie, she/her, 27. i live in central canada, timezone CST. i am currently working full time and also attending college to get my ECE, so my activity is mostly limited to weekends. i also suffer from depression and anxiety, so that can also alter how i'm feeling on certain days. all i ask is for patience with replies both ic and ooc! speaking of ooc, the best way to reach me is on discord!02. this blog is highly selective and private, meaning mutuals only. i will not follow back everyone, though i do check out everyone who follows me. if i think we may click i'll follow back, if not, please don't take it the wrong way! it is nothing personal at all. that being said, if we are not mutuals please do not try to interact in character or out of character. liking ooc posts is fine, but please don't send me anything in character as it makes me uncomfortable. also please don't message me asking to rp if we're not mutuals, that also makes me very uncomfortable as i feel guilty for having to ignore your messages, but i really don't like telling people no. it makes me very anxious both in real life and in the rpc.03. i do practice mains and exclusives! exclusivity is rare however, we have to really click or have created a unique dynamic between our muses in order to be exclusive. i'm more than happy to have you as a main though if we write together! all you have to do is ask if you want to be a main!04. any icons or edits on this blog are my own, made by me. the psd is an edited version of "golden wonder" by pinkinnards, changed to highlight greens instead of blues. i also use elements from my own psd "aquatics" which can be found on my resource blog stephysource, and "savior complex" by sereg0re. the border is made by me.

05. regarding triggers, i don't personally have many. i don't really like bugs, in fact i'm quite scared of them. they make me more uncomfortable than anything, so if you could tag any images as "bugs tw" or whatever that would be appreciated! i also don't like seeing hardcore porn gifs on my dash. as for my side, if anything is a generic trigger it'll be tagged as "drugs tw" for example. anything that's adult theme in nature will be tagged with "usfw", "spicy tw" and "mature //". if you need anything at all tagged, please let me know!06. DNI envyrid/ atwoodfanged / didntshed / meowzha / witchfate / magicspoke / jewel/kitty/bethany/beth/iris’s blogs. they are a known groomer and gaslighter. i believe the victims who have come forward about them. i personally had toxic experiences with them as well. i don't care if you write with them, and i won't break mutuals if you do, i just ask that you do not contact me about them please. i will not write with anyone using amber heard or lynn collins as a faceclaim.07. i love shipping! all kinds, whether its romantic, familial, platonic. i love it all! if you can see our muses in a romantic pairing, you can absolutely approach me to discuss it! i'm a ship whore so chances are i'll be totally down for a ship! being of age, i am willing to write nsfw threads. i will not write this kind of content with anyone below 18 for obvious reasons! also don't force a ship! that's a pretty standard rule among the rpc.


NAME: carol ann peletier.
D.O.B: december 24th, 1969.
AGE: 53.
SEX: cis-female.
ORIENTATION: bisexual, leans toward men.
OCCUPATION: former stay at home mom, resident badass.
PARENTS: elizabeth ‘liz’ jackson (mother), thomas ‘tom’ jackson (father).
PARTNER(s): edward peletier (ex-husband, deceased), ezekiel (ex-husband).
CHILDREN: sophia peletier (daughter, deceased), henry (adopted son, deceased).
PETS: buttercup (horse).
EYE COLOR: blue.
HAIR STYLE: long, naturally wavy (verse dependent).
SKIN: fair.
DETAILS: freckles across face & chest. various scars on body, letters ED scarred on her hip from ex-husband.
FACECLAIM: melissa mcbride.
EDUCATION: high school.
RELIGION: former catholic.
ALIGNMENTS: intj, chaotic good.
ZODIAC: capricorn, year of the rooster.

carol ann jackson, born december 24th at 9:58 p.m to thomas jackson and elizabeth geller. high school sweethearts who became parents far too early in life, but they would never change it for the world. liz, aged 16, and tom, aged 17, were more than up to the task of raising a child. it was difficult of course, liz being unable to finish high school because of this, she instead became a full time mother. whereas tom juggled both school and a part-time job at a construction business. all in all, despite the struggles financially, they managed pretty well with the newborn carol, as she was very quiet and well behaved. she didn’t cry too loudly, and she slept rather soundly most of the time. she made life pretty easy for the young parents.
carol was a spoiled little girl, and that was all because of her father tom. he ended up coming to own his own construction company when carol was just six years old, after the original owner of the company passed away, making him one of the youngest business owners in atlanta. jackson construction was very successful, as tom prided himself in doing the best job possible, never slacking in plans or in the physical work. he made sure each customer was more than satisfied with the job, which made his business one of the top to go to for major buildings. carol was definitely a daddy’s girl, loved and doted on by him. he was weak for both his wife and his daughter, and carol had used that to her advantage. whenever liz said no, all carol had to do was pull the puppy eyes and tom was like putty in her hands.carol always got top grades in school. she was incredibly intelligent, and always tended to focus more on work as opposed to social outings. friends were something carol didn’t have a lot of, which is why it surprised her in high school when one of the most popular jocks took an interest in her. edward peletier, star quarterback of the team had started talking to her of all people, and she quickly started to form a crush on him. he asked her out to one of the dances, and from that point on they were inseparable. she had always been a lover of romance, secretly desperate for the fairy tale story and she’d been certain she’d got it. she was so blind by her need for love that she didn’t see the warning signs of just what she was falling into.ed convinced carol to marry him right out of high school. and she’d agreed. and in doing so, he managed to keep her away from her parents right after the wedding. she’d fallen for his trap, and she had no way of getting out now. it started a few weeks after the honeymoon, the verbal abuse. slowly warping her mind into believing she wasn’t good enough. the drinking started, and carol was coming to realize just what kind of man she’d really fallen for. one night of drinking, she’d confronted him about it, told him he needed to stop, and that was when the first strike came. it left her shocked and speechless. but still, she was blind for love, and told herself it won’t happen again. but she was wrong. very, very wrong.the beatings turned into a regular occurrence, and carol eventually learned to live with it. after all, no one else was going to want her. she didn’t see a point in trying to leave, because no man would want such used, damaged goods. she wasn’t content with her life, but she felt she didn’t have a choice, at least there were the occasional times when he was good to her, and she would have to live with that. that was, until sophia came along. a pregnancy unplanned, but the thought of having a son seemed to please ed. those seven months after the discovery of her pregnancy were the most peaceful since the start of their relationship. it wasn’t until sophia was born that it all came crashing down again. ed hadn’t wanted a daughter, he wanted a son to mold into a mini version of himself. and now that wasn’t possible, and a life of abuse resumed again.but now carol had someone to live for. someone to protect, and she did so with ferocity. not in words, but in actions. there were times when sophia was too loud, or too annoying and he’d advance, but carol would quickly throw herself into the crossfire. words were always timid, fearful, but she refused to let him lay a hand on her baby. and it always ended in broken bones. but carol could rest knowing that sophia was safe and untouched.the only thing ed had ever been good for was the creation of her child, and the vast amount of survival gear that was going to help them survive this new nightmare. an infection, spreading fast across the world and endangering the lives of many. several rations of food to keep them alive for months, equipment that could continue that survival. that is if they could get off of the highway. stranded for hours, this is where the peletier’s met the grimes family, and shane walsh. three people, just like them, trying to escape a dying city. a little boy sophia’s age, someone she could relate to, a friend. his mother, lori, a new friend for carol as well, something she’d never had in the past. and shane, someone who could protect, someone trained in it to help them survive. the only thing standing in the way was ed. these new connections were unwanted, and he made sure carol knew she wasn’t to befriend these people, they wouldn’t be sticking around. but with the bombing of atlanta and the highways packed, they didn’t have a choice now. the peletier’s would have to set up camp with everyone else around them, which meant more eyes, and for carol, more protection for her and sophia.carol never suspected what life was going to throw at them. new friends, people to relate to, people to protect her. friends for her daughter as well. families reunited. her husband, getting what he deserved after twenty some years. losing people, losing friends and family. losing her daughter. she couldn’t have been prepared for any of it. but with the help of her new family, she’s become a survivor, a warrior, and even a queen.


set in season one. the group is at the quarry just after the world goes to shit. carol is currently married to her abusive husband ed peletier, and has a twelve year old daughter sophia peletier. the verbal abuse is still strong in the relationship, but with so many people around, as well as a former cop, the physical abuse has lessened some. carol is very quiet and a little nervous to speak to others for fear of what ed will think. most of her time is spent either watching sophia or doing domestic chores around the camp. when rick grimes arrives at the quarry, everything changes. ed lets the abuse slip in front of everyone, and shane walsh beats him within an inch of his life. then walkers invade the camp, killing ed and several others, forcing the group to leave and head for the cdc. it offers a warm bed, hot shower and a hot meal for the night. until dr. edwin jenner lets them know the facility is set to explode within a few hours. the group, minus one, are able to convince him to open the inner doors, but escape seems impossible as the glass is impenetrable. until carol herself offers up a most unexpected solution. a grenade she kept from rick grimes when he first got to camp. with her help, they escape and are on the road once more.
set in season two. the group is on the highway, searching through cars for supplies when things go horribly wrong. a massive herd approaches, and they're forced to hide underneath the cars. carol is separated from sophia by a few cars, and the unthinkable happens. a walker notices sophia as she tries to check if the coast is clear, and she disappears into the bush. rick grimes runs after her, and he finds her. but he leaves her in the woods as two walkers come after them. he tells sophia which way to run, and when he makes his way back to the highway, discovers sophia never returned. carol is distraught, the group spends the next day trying to find her little girl. while rick and shane are searching with carl, he gets shot, and this leads to them finding the greene farm. maggie greene finds lori among the group and brings her back. the group continue searching for a little while longer, but find nothing. the greene farm becomes a temporary home that offers food and medical help by hershel greene. the search for sophia continues, but it seems as though they won't find her ever again. during this time, carol becomes friends with a rather unlikely individual. daryl dixon, a rough around the edges man with anger issues. but to her, that angry resolves seemingly disappears as he speaks gentle to her, assuring her they'll find sophia. unfortunately, one day the group discovers the greene's are holding walkers in the barn. this leads to an argument between rick and shane, and eventually shane opens the barn and the slaughter begins. they think all is done, when two small feet emerge from the shadows. to everyone's horror, this small, frail walker is none other than sophia peletier. it was this moment that changed carol forever. the incident also brought the group closer to the greenes, and they all moved closer to the farm. then, the unfortunate passing of a member causes the need to put him down with a single gunshot. that gunshot alerts a giant herd, and soon the farm is lost. they lose a woman named andrea in the process, as well as most of the extended greene farm members. the only ones to survive from the greene farm are hershel and his two daughters, maggie and beth. all parties are separated, carol with daryl on the back of his motorcycle. they all meet on the highway, and it is discovered there that shane had turned and carl had put him down back at the farm. eventually they find a small clearing in the woods to make camp for the night. there its revealed the truth of shane's death, how rick killed him, and how everyone is infected, that anyone can come back as a walker, bitten or not. this causes a rift in the group, as rick declares it is no longer a democracy, and what he says goes.
set between seasons two and three, during the winter. the group is struggling to find food and shelter, and with lori grimes pregnant, the demand for food is even higher. the group is struggling, and the air around them is tense as rick becomes more withdrawn from his wife. carol, as well as some of the others are also learning how to defend themselves. how to use a gun and a blade to become more self sufficient, and be able to protect themselves and others should walkers, or people, come after them. carol becomes a pretty good shot over this time.
set in season three and four. after a long winter the group finds the prison. they clear it out, and manage to make it a home. carol has become very close to daryl, so much so that she feels comfortable flirting with him. over the winter, carol's confidence has grown. she is hardly recognizable anymore, her personality bold and bright. the group comes across some former prisoners in the basement, also labeled the tombs, where hershel gets bit and loses his leg. carol and lori are the primary caretakers if you will, keeping the bleeding minimal and trying to keep hershel alive. in this time carol asks glenn rhee to help her with a side project. if hershel isn't around anymore, someone will need to know how to perform a c-section on lori. she practices on walkers, much to glenn's discomfort. a few days pass and hershel is alive, he's up and walking. everything seems like it's perfect, and then out of nowhere walkers descend upon the prison. the group fights, but they get split up within the prison. carol and t-dog are in the tombs, but he's already bitten. they come across more at the end of the hallway, and in an act of final bravery t-dog runs at them, using his body to pin them to the wall and allow carol to escape. carol gets attacked by a large walker, and shoves her knife in it's throat. she doesn't land the kill shot, and hides in a closet. she's down there for two days, weak and dehydrated. fearing death, her last chance is when she hears the voice of daryl dixon on the other side of the closet. with what strength she has left she pushes on the door repeatedly, though it just barely opens and closes. daryl's voice fades, and she's certain she's left for dead. later, she hears his voice again, and hears him sitting outside that very closet. she continues, pushing with all her might when finally door is ripped open and she sees his face. she's saved, and manages a last glance at her savior before passing out.
recovery is her main priority now. having to learn the loss of lori was hard, but she's delighted that the baby survived. she takes on the roll of caretaker, and keeps an eye on the baby while rick and daryl, along with one of the prisoners and a newcomer michonne, go on a rescue mission to get glenn and maggie from a place called woodbury. she doesn't know what went down, all she knows is that they return without a key member. carol fears the worst, that daryl hadn't made it, until it's explained who else they found at woodbury. daryl had gone off with his brother, merle dixon. carol ultimately understands the decision, but it doesn't hurt any less. she becomes closer with a prisoner named axel, teaching him how to use a gun. they're in the courtyard one day, just talking and laughing when suddenly his blood is splattered across her face, and he falls to the ground along with her. they're being attacked by the man who runs woodbury, and more walkers are unleashed upon the prison. the gunfire is over as it started, and now they're left with the walkers to destroy. but someone returns to help out. daryl is back, and has brought along an unwanted companion, merle, who was responsible for glenn and maggie's capture in the first place. things are tense after that, but carol is just glad to have daryl back, even if it means having to deal with merle's obnoxious behavior. the group knows a final war will be coming, thanks to andrea's warning. in an attempt to stop the war and kill the governor, merle goes on a suicide mission. the governor kills him, but it bought them time to prepare. they're able to prepare and blindside the governor, keeping the prison safe. some of the group goes to woodbury to retrieve the residents there. unfortunately, they were too late to save andrea. the residents of woodbury are brought to the prison, and they now have a lot more mouths to feed.winter comes and goes, and it's been a year now since the group first found the prison. it's thriving, like the perfect home. when suddenly an illness makes its way into the prison. people are getting sick, people are dying, and carol wants to stop it. she figures getting rid of the source, the original two, would stop it. with the logic of sacrifice the one to save the many, she kills karen and david and burns their bodies. it's discovered by tyreese williams, who had been dating karen and he's livid. everything goes downhill when rick asks carol one important question. did you kill karen and david? she sees no reason to lie, and simply answers yes. the next day he takes carol on a run for supplies, but he never had the intention of returning home with her. it is then that he banishes her, telling her not to return to the prison, and that she is essentially a danger to everyone. with a broken heart carol leaves, and heads for atlanta.ON MY OWN.
set in the time after carol is banished. she is on her own for a few days, staying at a womens shelter she had run to once back in the day. but she can't quite stop the feeling of worry in her heart, and it prompts her to return to the prison, only to find it in flames. she manages to catch a glimpse of tyreese running off with lizzie, mika, and baby judith. she follows them, and finds them. eventually the small group comes across a grove, and they stay there. but something isn't right with lizzie. she doesn't believe walkers are a danger, and that belief turns deadly when carol and tyreese return from getting water at the well and discover lizzie standing there, hands covered in blood, a knife in her hand, and lizzie's sister mika motionless on the ground. lizzie had killed her own sister in attempt to prove walkers are people. carol knows at this point there is no saving this girl. she is a danger to everyone, especially young judith who she had every intention of killing next. carol had to make the hardest decision of her life, and end lizzie's life. this changed carol, and not for the better.
eventually the group of three come across a man who mentions michonne and carl over a radio. terminus, which had been advertised as a sanctuary for all, was far from it. they discover their family is captured and soon to be killed, and carol takes it upon herself to save her family. she blows up terminus, and invades with the walkers, covered in walker guts to blend in and not be attacked by the dead. she kills the leader of terminus, and grabs the weapons of her loved ones and heads back into the woods. there she finds them, though she's unsure how her return will be perceived. had rick told them all what happened? what if they didn't want her? but all of that negative thought disappears when daryl runs to her, nearly knocks her over with the force of his hug. it's clear to her that she's once again accepted in her family, and she leads them back to tyreese. there is an emotional reunion between the grimes' and baby judith. now together, they're once again on the road and need to find a safe haven.ROAD TO RECOVERY.
set after terminus, the group is together and on the road searching for shelter. the first night, carol doesn't feel like she belongs. or that she deserves to be with them. she tries to run, but daryl follows, questions what she's doing. daryl spots a vehicle in the distance, and it's one of the vehicles that had taken beth greene. the two hop in a car and chase after it. they end up in atlanta, on a mission to rescue beth. they share heartfelt and honest conversations with each other. they find a kid named noah, who had also been at the hospital where beth was being kept. carol comes up with an idea when she hears a car approaching. she crosses the street, knowing full well what the outcome will be. sure enough, the car hits her, as she predicted. this gets her access to the hospital, as she's taken by the same people who took beth. this causes daryl to return to the group and enlist the help of everyone to rescue carol and beth. the mission goes well, or so they thought. they get into the hospital, they save carol. and just as they're about to save beth, she turns and speaks to the leader at the hospital. with a pair of scissors she'd swiped earlier, she stabs the woman, and startled the woman shoots her gun, right through beth's skull. she's gone, and they're forced to bring beth's body out to maggie, who had already lost her father in the final prison battle. they bury beth, and continue on. along the way, they lose tyreese and bob as well. they've come across a church, where a priest named father gabriel resides. they stay there, when a man finds them and tells them about a place. a safe haven, called alexandria.
set during seasons five and six. the group heads to alexandria, a place that seems untouched by walkers. tall walls, and even jobs? everyone is assigned a job at alexandria, and carol, not trusting of this place shields her true identity. she acts frail, weak, like who she used to be. this grants her a job cooking for the elderly. she feels it's the perfect ruse to get information, to see how the place works and find it's weaknesses. there is a boy there named sam, who seems to have taken an interest in carol, much to her dislike. eventually she discovers his mother, jessie, is being abused by pete, her husband. it's all too familiar, and carol tells rick about it. this causes a fight to break out between rick and pete. eventually, the entire town holds a meeting to see what to do about rick, as this action has people untrusting of him. pete stumbles into the meeting, wasted, and rick wants to act. carol tells him to wait, because she knows he'll show his true colors soon. sure enough, pete kills deanna's, the lead of alexandria, husband. this causes deanna to realize how fragile her community really is, and how much they need rick. she tells rick to kill pete, and the rest is history.
a few months later, trouble starts again. a group called the wolves invades alexandria, forcing carol to ditch the weak facade and take action. she kills a few of them and uses one of their outfits as a disguise to blend in. when all is said and done, carol feels the weight of it all. killing takes its toll, and morgan, who is very anti-kill, has started getting into her head. not long after, the wall gets damaged as a large truck rams into the tower, and walkers fill the streets of alexandria. carol is stuck in a basement with morgan, rosita, denise, and a wolf that morgan had saved. carol and morgan get into a fight about the wolf, carol believes he should die. the fight turns physical, and morgan ends up body slamming carol onto the ground, knocking her out cold. she wakes a few hours later, and then sees outside that rick is making a stand against the walkers. everyone helps out, and eventually they manage to defeat the walkers. unfortunately, the threats aren't over yet, as they discover a group called the saviors. things get bad fast, and carol and maggie end up captured by a group of saviors. carol is tired of killing, but she knows it has to be done if she's going to get herself and maggie, as well as maggie's unborn child, out of this mess. carol has no other choice but to slaughter them all, and pose as one of them to lure in more saviors over the radio. they lock them in a room and burn them alive. carol is traumatized, and she realizes that she just can't take it anymore. in order to love someone, you have to kill for them, and she can't do it anymore. so, she leaves without a trace, save for a note left to her loved ones.

set just before season seven. carol has left alexandria, and she's on the road. she ends up coming across a group of saviors, and begs them to let her go because she doesn't want to have to kill anymore. unfortunately, they don't let up, and she has no choice but to pull the trigger on the gun she had sewn into her jacket. however one is left alive, and he manages to injure her badly. morgan finds her injured, and helps her. she begs him to just let her go, but he refuses. eventually, a group of soldiers comes across them, and brings them to safety. to a place called the kingdom.
set in season seven. carol is at the kingdom, where she meets king ezekiel. the way he acts, the theatrics, she thinks its all ridiculous. she plays along in the first meeting, and when morgan takes her away she confronts him, wondering what the hell they were doing at the goddamn circus. carol doesn't want to be here, she wants to leave, be on her own. ezekiel speaks with her, dropping the facade and is just honest and real with her. he offers her a way of being alone, but not being alone at the same time. a little house just outside the kingdom, where she can be near, but have her own space. she agrees, and lives in the little house outside the kingdom. she gets visits from ezekiel often, and then one day, an unexpected face shows up at her door. daryl dixon. emotions run high between them both, and they spend the day together at her new home. she has no idea what has gone on after she left, and asks him if everything is okay, if everyone back home is okay. seeing the heartbreak in her eyes, daryl can't bring himself to tell her the truth. so he lies, choosing not to tell her about the saviors, about negan, about how he killed glenn and abraham and captured him. he doesn't tell her how the saviors take half of everything from alexandria, or from the other groups. daryl leaves, and carol feels a sadness in her heart.
days later, trouble is brought to her door. benjamin was injured by a savior, and they bring him to carols to try and get patched up. he doesn't make it, and then after a few hours this prompts morgan to return to carol's door and tell her the truth. about everything, about alexandria and the saviors, about glenn and abraham. it's then that carol knows she can't sit idly by and let this happen. something needs to happen, something needs to change. they need to go to war. carol convinces ezekiel to join the war, and the kingdom shows up at alexandria, along with hilltop, to fend off the saviors and save alexandria for the time being. now, it was time for an all out war.TIME FOR WAR.
set in season eight. the war is on, everyone is fighting the saviors. during one of the missions, ezekiel's tiger shiva is killed by walkers, and they watch in horror as she's torn apart in front of them. this causes ezekiel to spiral, and lock himself away. carol continues to fight, and continues to try and get ezekiel back from the darkness he's fallen into. she is also being bothered by a boy named henry, who she's trying desperately not to grow attached to, because every child she grows to care for ends up dead. one day henry gets lost in the woods, and it's a flashback of when sophia was lost in the woods. only this time, carol was able to find him, alive.
the group ends up at the kingdom after a battle at alexandria. it is then that carol discovers what happened to carl, that was he bitten and didn't make it out of alexandria. it seems as if this loss will never end. but the war goes on, and they have to keep fighting. eventually it all comes to an end, with the final battle. eugene had made sure the bullets in the saviors guns backfired, causing the guns to explode and giving the others a chance to defeat the saviors. rick slices negans throat, and then unexpectedly tells siddiq to save him. this causes a rift between maggie and rick. the war is over, but tensions were still high, and likely to remain that way for a long time.LOST AND FOUND.
set in season nine and beyond. carol now lives at the kingdom, and is married to ezekiel. the groups are building a bridge to connect the communities further. carol decides to take on leading the remaining saviors until the bridge is built, and things go wrong. some of the saviors still believe in negan's ways, and threaten them. it doesn't take long for carol knock the lead savior out and take care of the problem. but another problem arises, when rick his hurt bad with a large herd on his tail. the group can't get to him in time, at least not before he blows the bridge up with himself on it. he is presumed dead, and the link between communities is destroyed along with the bridge. michonne closes of alexandria, and the communities are disconnected from one another.
five years later, the kingdom is setting up a fair. something to bring all the communities together. the kingdom itself is falling apart, and they are struggling to keep it running. henry, carol and ezekiel's son, wants to apprentice with earl at hilltop to learn how to better fix the problems at the kingdom. on the way the hilltop carol and henry are attacked by the saviors who turned against them when the bridge was being built. they steal carol's ring, and have been stealing other stuff from people who hadn't made it back to the kingdom. carol eventually goes to where they're hiding, gets her ring back, and then lights the place on fire, killing the saviors. her and henry then come across daryl, who has lived in the woods since michonne cut off alexandria from everyone else. she asks him to take care of henry at hilltop, and he agrees. carol returns to the kingdom to help her husband with the fair, unknowing of a growing problem happening at hilltop. a group called the whisperers have emerged, a group of feral people who live among the walkers. led by alpha, who has a daughter named lydia that hilltop had captured. lydia grows close to henry, and when alpha comes to collect her daughter, henry escapes and follows, causing daryl and a woman named connie to go after them. they rescue henry and lydia, but end up being hunted by alpha's right hand man beta. eventually they escape, and head to the kingdom.all seems to be going well. the fair is set up, all the communities have come together at the fair, even alexandria. all the leaders sign a pledge, and the fair seems to be a great success. carol, daryl, michonne and some others go off to find the whisperers, but end up getting caught by alpha. they're tied to trees all night, when daryl is taken by alpha and shown a large herd, tens of thousands of walkers in a gorge. alpha threatens the communities with this, if they don't stay out of whisperer territory, they will be destroyed by this herd. daryl comes back to the group, and they start making their way back to the kingdom. but up on the hill, where alpha has marked her borders, is a sight more tragic than any of them had ever seen. ten spikes, and atop those spikes, were the heads of loved ones. ozzy, alek, d.j, frankie, tammy, rodney, addy, enid, tara... and on the last spike, carol's own son, henry.the kingdom didn't last long after henry's death. by winters arrival, the kingdom was gone, and they were forced to go to hilltop. carol and ezekiel's marriage had been under severe stress after the death of their son, and carol simply couldn't come back from it. she breaks up with ezekiel, and heads back to alexandria with daryl and michonne. she lives there only until spring, when she heads off to oceanside to get on a boat and stay on the ocean with the fishing crew. she's scarred, and broken from the loss of henry. she has a deep desire for revenge, a need to kill alpha. she tries her best to combat this anger, and this self hatred by staying on the boat and away from people.carol comes back, and as her and daryl are sitting in the woods, something falls out of the sky. a satellite crashes into the ground near oceanside, and the commotion brings walkers. they kill the walkers, and eugene wants to salvage parts of the satellite, believing they'll be useful. carol and daryl go off on their own for a bit, and when they start heading back, carol catches a glimpse of something, or someone, down in the gorge. alpha. the two lock eyes, and all that burning anger and hatred comes flooding back to carol, and ultimately sets her on a downward spiral.carol, daryl, and michonne are forced to meet alpha at the borders. alpha says something which triggers carol to shoot at her, and michonne is forced to de-escalate the situation. alpha says she forgives carol, given she is a mother too and understands the pain. since seeing alpha her first day back, carol had been having dreams, ultimately forcing her to want to stay awake. she was taking pills, which caused her to start having delusions. she imagined an entire conversation with daryl as they took shelter overnight. she started taking risks that were a danger to herself and the group. she got herself hurt, and when back in alexandria michonne told her she needed to stop.carol and daryl went on a run, which was supposed to be just to keep an eye on walkers, and whisperers. they saw some whisperers on the move and followed. it wasn't meant to be a mission where they took action, but carol, in her state, captured one of the whisperers and brought him back to alexandria. she was hoping to use lydia to show the whisperer that alpha was not truthful, as alpha had told her people she killed lydia. daryl told her she needed to stop all of this, but carol didn't list. she took lydia with her to the border, where aaron had been meeting with one of the whisperers. upon seeing lydia, the trust was broken, between whisperer and alpha, but also lydia and carol. lydia took off, and when she returned to alexandria, it was discovered the siddiq had been killed by a man who was actually a whisperer. he had become a part of alexandria to spy for alpha, and a few of the group, including carol, went out to find the whisperer horde. carol ended up spotting alpha, and she fell for her trap, running after her and causing the group to follow into a cave. a cave that there seemed to be no escape from. and what's worse, inside that cave was the very herd they'd been searching for.the group manage to make it towards an exit, but carol once again goes off on her own. they had found dynamite, but the cave was far too unstable to use it. but carol had tunnel vision, and just wanted to destroy the walkers then and there. daryl manages to stop her, but dynamite falls and they're forced to hurry out of the cave. unfortunately, two are caught inside. magna and connie. it was that single selfish action that drove a wedge between herself and daryl, and that relationship was fractured, and carol didn't know if it could ever be repaired.the group is now preparing for battle at hilltop. carol is still feeling the weight of her actions, and ezekiel offers comfort. later, she finds ezekiel in his room, and that's where she discovers he has cancer. with emotions running high, the two end up sleeping together one last time. like a final goodbye to their romantic relationship. the attack on hilltop comes, and it gets destroyed as the whisperers light it on fire. including negan, who had previously been let out by someone in alexandria. it appeared he had joined the whisperers, and attacked hilltop along with alpha.carol escaped with yumiko, eugene, and magna, who had been found hiding among the walkers when hilltop was attacked. magna doesn't hold any blame to carol, but yumiko does, and even goes so far as to slap carol for what she had done. carol distances herself, and eugene comes to check on her, and then confides in her about his radio contact with a girl named stephanie. eventually carol wanders off, and comes to a stop in the woods. the head of alpha is dropped at her feet, and negan stands a few feet from her. carol eyes him, before telling him that the deed took him long enough. turns out, carol had been the one who let negan out all along, and had formulated this plan with him to kill alpha.she sticks alpha's head on a spike, and tells negan to wait because she needs to think, and shit like that takes time. really, carol had every intention of leaving. as she walks through the woods, alpha appears, like the devil on her shoulder, taunting her, telling her all her failures. carol tries getting a boat from an old shack, but it ends up crumbling and falling on top of her. now trapped underneath the debris, a walker is coming towards her, struggling to get to her. alpha continues to talk, to tell her all her faults. until finally carol has had enough. she pushes herself out of the debris, kills the walker and collapses. she looks one last time at the conjured image of alpha, and tells her its never too late. carol is finally free of her demons, after everything. once again, she is reborn from the ashes, and ready to head back and join the fight to end the whisperers once and for all.

the final battle occurs, the escape alexandria and head to a place where they have the high ground. the whisperers eventually find them, when an unexpected party joins in the mix. maggie, who had left shortly after rick had vanished, had come back with a few of her own people to help in the war. the whisperers are defeated, and now all that's left is the lure away the giant herd. lydia, being a former whisperer takes on the task, until carol shows up and tells her to go. after all carol has done, she feels it would be a fitting end to her story. sacrifice herself for the good of the group. she stands at the very edge of the gorge, ready to take that final step when she's pulled back by lydia, who had stayed and pulled her to safety behind a rock. the two stayed, until all the walkers had walked off the cliff. they returned to the group, and it was time to return home to alexandria, and rebuild what was destroyed.carol reveals to maggie that it was she who let out negan. maggie forgives her, understanding why she did it. as they continue to rebuild alexandria, carol decides to join daryl on an outing, despite his refusal. the two head out, and eventually they come across a cabin that holds bitter memories for daryl. in that cabin, the two end up having an argument, in which daryl basically tells her they weren't friends. or at least that was how carol took it. the walk back to alexandria was awkward, daryl decided to continue on his own for a bit, while carol went to head back to alexandria. daryl's dog, appropriately named dog, decided to follow carol instead, and was left in her care in alexandria. carol was desperate to make some kind of meal for the people of alexandria, and get the garage and daryl's little basement room fixed up. a mouse ended up causing carol a fair amount of trouble, and dog reacted as well, destroying much of what she'd done. she was frustrated and upset, when jerry came by to check on carol. the two shared a hug, and carol got back on her feet and fixed everything up again. daryl returned, but the two didn't really share many words. things were still rocky between them, and would be for a while.carol offers to take negan out of alexandria for a bit. he's thankful to her, but really carol was just taking him to a cabin and moving him in. she said the council had decided to banish him, but in reality it was carol taking the reins and deciding for herself. she leaves negan there, but he returns some time later. she tells him that she didn't want his death on her conscience, which is why she gave him the choice to leave, because maggie will kill him if she gets the chance. but given he returned of his own free will, his death would no longer be on her hands.a few months later, alexandria is struggling for food. they raid an old army base, grabbing as many MRE's as they can. but it isn't enough to feed them. maggie suggests going to her old home, which had been taken by a group of people. some agree, some think its dangerous. the ones who agree go, but carol is one of the ones who believed it was too risky. she stayed behind. a few days later carol decides to go and find the horses they once had, because they needed them to work on fixing the wall by pulling the bigger pieces. magna, rosita, and kelly end up joining her, and together they bring the horses back to alexandria.hoping to find more supplies at what once was hilltop, aaron enlists the help of carol, lydia and jerry to go gather supplies. when they arrive, they come across a few remaining whisperers. aaron attacks the walkers with them, and the whisperers try to defend themselves. aaron captures one, and starts to interrogate him. he intends on killing the man, but carol intervenes, telling him this is not a road he wants to go down. because they spared his life, and even gave him some food, he told them of a woman he had seen not long ago. and that woman was connie. this gives them a new hope that connie was in fact still alive, and they bring this information home.upon hearing the news, kelly doesn't want to wait. she goes off on her own to find connie, and then carol, magna and rosita follow after her. together, they manage to find connie, and rescue her and virgil from a house of horrors. they bring her back to alexandria, and then the next night a major storm hits. there are walkers everywhere, damage all over. carol and connie head out into the storm together to help combat some of the damage.unfortunately, alexandria is badly damaged from the storm. however, daryl and maggie return from their run with plenty of food, which will help alexandria last a little longer. however, reunion is short lived as someone approaches the gate. a man, accompanied by many soliders. his name is lance hornsby, and he's a representative of the commonwealth, a large community that is focused on becoming the new world order. they have many people, jobs, stores, money even. like the modern world all over again. given alexandria's state, it's the best course of action, and they agree to head out. or at least, some of them do. maggie chooses to go back to hilltop, along with what's left of her people, plus a few others, lydia included. the rest head to the commonwealth, and become members of this new society.carol's new job is in the bakery. she owns a decent apartment in the commonwealth, and makes decent pay. however, she still senses something is off with commonwealth. this prompts her to get close to lance, by doing him a favor and retrieving some fancy wine for a halloween party hosted by pamela milton, the commonwealth's leader. in return she asks lance to get ezekiel care immediately, to treat his cancer and remove the mass in his throat. lance does pull this off, but in return asks carol to accompany him on a little trip. lance trusts carol, and this trust will benefit carol greatly in the future.a few days later, daryl comes to carol and asks her to meet him for lunch. they make the date, and when daryl doesn't show to their lunch date carol knows something is wrong. she enlists the help of mercer, and the two of them find daryl and rosita who had been tasked on a dangerous mission to retrieve money from a mansion for pamela's son. after rescuing them, carol inquires lance about this mission, and how risky it had been. lance gives his usual upbeat answer, and carol knows immediately he's up to something, and that it's all bullshit.her suspicions turned out to be true, as one day she is caring for judith, rj and gracie as their parents are out on a mission. some of lance's people show up outside, and carol knows they aren't friendly. herself and the kids hide, as two people break into daryl's apartment where carol was watching the kids. they snoop for information on the kids, and when they finally leave carol knows she has to get the kids to safety. plan to leave is interrupted however but a knock at the door. once again telling the kids to hide, carol opens the door and is greeted by jerry, and a familiar face thought long gone.negan is here, and he has come to get carol's help to save her friends and family. together they make a plan to find sebastian, pamela's son and public enemy number one. if they can find him, they can cut a deal and get lance stopped from whatever missions he's on to destroy her people. eventually they find sebastian, and carol takes him to pamela's home and gets a deal. pamela gets a scapegoat, lance, and carol gets her family back and the freedom to leave.but nothing ever goes as planned, does it?a plan by maxine mercer to expose sebastian for what he really is goes haywire, as lance also instructs his people to set walkers loose upon the community. chaos ensues, and it ends up with several dead, including sebastian. this sets pamela off, and she refuses to let the newcomers get away with destroying all she's built. she kidnaps the children, and most of carol's family. while in the bakery gathering some last minute supplies before the journey home, two men try to take carol. she's successful in her escape, and runs to find her family. she makes it just in time to find daryl, who is being attacked by two other soldiers. together they fight them off, and make a plan to get their family back. unfortunately, that plan is forced to include a terrible order to find where their people are being kept, they need the help of lance hornsby.desperate to get back at pamela for imprisoning him and stripping him of all he's worth, he agrees. breaking lance out is not easy, and carol and daryl get separated as daryl fights off the soldiers coming after them. it's just carol and lance now, who face their own dangers along the way. lance leads her into an abandoned tunnel, and she gets attacked by walkers. she makes it, no thanks to lance, and the two of them walk out the other side only to be greeted by a bunch of soldiers. just when she thought it was the end, daryl comes to the rescue. after all that's happened, they know lance will do more harm than good. they get the information they need, and then give him a choice. leave, or die. as he goes to leave, he grabs a gun, but carol is one step ahead. an arrow to the throat ends the life of lance hornsby, and carol and daryl head off to save their friends.they need to get the train, but it's going to be hard to ambush it just the two of them. they see connie through the binoculars, and a plan is set in motion to save her. they come across maggie, and while waiting at the next train stop, carol and maggie share a heartfelt moment. rosita and gabriel show up, and now they finally have enough manpower to rescue connie. with the train now in their possession, it's up to the six of them to rescue the others who are being held in alexandria.with their people saved, and all the kids minus coco saved, they have to return to the commonwealth and take down pamela and rescue eugene from execution. when they arrive, all is quiet. too quiet. pamela had set a trap, and a gunfight ensues. as pamela goes to shoot maggie, judith jumps in front and takes the bullet. they now have to get judith to the hospital, but standing between the group and the hospital is a huge herd of walkers. and some of these walkers are advanced, able to use weapons, open doors and climb. carol clears the path for daryl and judith to get to the hospital. eventually, carol, connie, kelly, magna and yumiko get to the hospital. carol tends to both daryl and judith as best she can. even setting up a blood transfusion so daryl can give his blood to judith, as without it she won't survive.walkers eventually break in, and everyone is forced to vacate the hospital. they do manage to get judith safe to tomi, and now the only thing left to do is take pamela down and save the commonwealth from the walkers. pamela is defeated after her own soldiers turn on her, and it's judith who ends up talking her out of suicide. with pamela arrested, carol and the others set up a lure to get all the walkers into the estates, and set off a huge explosion, destroying all the estates and the walkers too.a celebratory meal is held after all is said and done. but the cruelty of the world has one more life to take. rosita finally reveals that she was bitten, and it won't be long now. the group says goodbye, and they honor her memory.peace resumes for all the communities. the commonwealth, now being led by ezekiel and michael mercer. carol taking over lance's position, and making it better. what it should have been. alexandria and hilltop being rebuilt back to former glory. families growing, love blooming. finally, there is a chance for everyone to live in peace and harmony like they have always strived for.

savior au - after aiding in the escape of terminus, carol saw the group gathered around. but she couldn’t bring herself to go after them, or make her presence known. she slipped off quietly, back to where tyreese was with judith. she tells him where they are, and then sets off on her own. a few weeks pass before she comes across the saviors. they did take her, but negan liked her guts and offered her a position as a real savior and not one of the workers. she agreed, but did keep herself pretty detached from forming bonds with people. she didn’t want to feel too connected, especially with how the saviors run things. she never goes to the lineups, unable to stomach what is going down.
its after daryl is brought back that she realizes what has happened.she was bringing food to the newest capturee who she didn’t know what daryl until she opened that door. she saw him in that way, and saw the picture of glenn on the ground next to him. heart breaking for her real family, she sets out to help daryl escape, and just like him is now wanted by negan and the saviors. she hides out with daryl at the kingdom, until he can’t be there anymore. but she stays, because she can’t bring herself to face the others ever again, feeling partially responsible for the awful things that they had faced.BEFORE EVERYTHING.
this is carol’s modern verse. it can vary depending on the thread. either she is with ed, or she isn’t. in some cases she may have sophia, in some she may not. it all depends on the plot.
oitnb - it was the ultimate price carol had to pay. for years she had been stuck in her abusive marriage, unable to turn her back for a second, forbidden to leave. one day, she finally had enough. he’d come home, drunk, and she was waiting for him. adrenaline pumped through her as she anticipated him to round the corner. and when he did, the kitchen knife she’d been holding pierced his flesh, several times before he lay on the ground in a puddle of his own blood. she was in such a state of shock, and it wasn’t long before the cops arrived, hauling her off to litchfield prison.
carol is an award winning actress, living in the wonderful city of la. she has commitment issues, tending to just sleep around, to get off. she’s afraid of having any serious relationship, due to her one and only marriage when she was young. she suffered his abuse for five years before finally getting a divorce and moving from atlanta georgia to los angeles, california. when her career took off, she used a lot of money to open up multiple domestic abuse homes. she is a strong advocate for safety for women, children, and men in abusive situations, and often visits the local shelters to hear the stories of others, and help in any way that she can.
twdg - carol and her daughter sophia ended up having to survive the world together. when things broke out, they had to learn how to survive themselves after her husband was grabbed by those monsters. of course it was a blessing in disguise, as they had the freedom to be who they really were. unfortunately things don’t last in a world of death, and her precious baby girl ended up bitten. putting her own daughter down had been traumatic for carol, and now she wanders as a lone survivor, hardened by her trauma and survivors guilt.
stranger things - her husband had died of a heart attack in ‘79, when sophia was nine years old. they had lived in hawkins all their life, and now they were on their own. carol is a single mother who needs to work to pay off all the debts, which means there is never really anyone to look after sophia after school. carol had been working late one night in ‘83, when she finally got home around midnight. she had expected her daughter to be asleep in bed, but found her no where. she felt obvious panic, wondering where her daughter could’ve been. she searched the streets in her car, called everyone she knew but there was no word on her. so when the next morning word started going around town that will byers had gone missing, carol wondered if there was a connection. of course, she never realized how much more was going on than just a simple abduction.
carol is the wife of ed peletier, a member of the infamous biker gang the sons of anarchy. originally from the atlanta charter, they move to california shortly after carol discovers she’s pregnant. ed wanted a change of scenery, and so he transferred over to samcro where they are to begin a new life. however, things are not as her husband makes them appear. behind the curtain carol suffers abuse at the hands of ed. scars and bruises left where clothes can cover. she’s the battered housewife forced to live how her husband sees fit. sophia is, or was her only saving grace. but that didn’t last long at all. her daughter was only five years old when she died in a car accident. or that’s what ed made it look like. but carol always had the suspicion her husband killed their daughter just to prevent carol from having any reason to leave.
eventually it’s discovered by tig the things that ed does to her behind closed doors, and action is taken. carol doesn’t know what happened, or how, but one day the man is at her doorstep telling her that her husband suffered an accident, and didn’t make it out alive. a normal wife would be upset, but carol was incredibly indifferent to the news. no emotion, no shock, not a single twitch. just a nod, and then she invited the bearer of bad news inside for a drink for his troubles.after that, the widow grew out of her shell, and the woman she was before she met ed bloomed once again. tig became a constant in her life, someone she loved dearly. since that night it’s been the two of them, and carol is always there to pick up the pieces after tig’s many club related heartbreaks.she is also incredibly close to opie winston. a man without a proper mother figure, that nature in her blossomed and she quickly became the mother he never had. so when donna is murdered, it tears her in half. it grows incredibly complicated, her love for tig neverending, and paternal love for opie just the same. things are never the same after that, relationship between lover and son forever strained, and carol continuously caught in the middle.RULE THE SCHOOL.
this is a verse where carol is the dean of a university. a modern verse.
in this verse, carol never came back after being banished in season 4. after saving the group from terminus, she ended up not making herself known to them, and simply told tyreese where to find them before leaving on her own. after some weeks, she comes across a small group of people fighting for their lives against walkers. she saves them, and they start to follow her. she never wanted to be a leader, or even be around people again, but she ended up stuck with these new survivors. eventually, they came across a fenced community, which was meant to be a sober living community for struggling addicts until they were able to live on their own. it provided shelter, walls, and an overall safe space. eventually more people found the community, and carol found herself the new leader of many lost people.
this is a harry potter au, in which carol takes the place of professor sprout, and is the professor of herbology.
set in the last of us, carol lost sophia during the outbreak. carol was much younger when she had sophia in this verse, only 22 when it started. sophia was only 4 years old when she lost her, as well as ed. however, she didn't care much about ed, and in fact it was his fault sophia was lost too. she doesn't like talking about it at all, and not many people know about that history. she lived in the same safe zone as joel and tess for quite some time, until eventually sneaking out and finding tommy's community, where she stays to this day.
set in the criminal minds universe. when carol was twenty four, she was planning to leave her abusive husband ed peletier, taking their four year old daughter with her. unfortunately, her plan was figured out, and in a fit of rage and need for control, ed killed their daughter sophia. he had framed it as an accident, and it took a year before carol finally found the evidence to link him to the crime and out the truth. he was put in prison, and after only a month in was killed by other inmates. knowing the monster was truly gone, carol decided she wanted to be able to help other families, and prevent the pain that was brought onto her. she started out as a beat cop, slowly climbing the ladder until at age forty, she was offered a position in the fbi with the behavioral analysis unit. she joined while gideon was still in charge (before the events of the series premier). she specialized in child victims, ranging from kidnappings to murder. having lived with someone like ed, she developed a keen skill at reading those types of sick individuals, which made her an excellent profiler.
sometime down the line, she developed a close knit relationship with aaron hotchner, considering him to be her closest friend. eventually that friendship turned into more and the two began seeing each other. knowing that the job was one of the most important things in their life, it made it easier to be with each other because they understood that the other needed the bau. they keep it strictly professional when on the job, so much so anyone who didn't know them would have no idea of their true relationship.WHAT'S YOUR EMERGENCY?
set in the 9-1-1 universe. carol is a 9-1-1 operator alongside abby clark and sue blevins to name a few. she had always wanted to help people, had been considering going to school for nursing and actually got accepted when she met ed peletier. a lover of romance novels, she jumped right in wanting to live her own fairytale life. well, once the vows were said, everything took a turn for the worse. he was not the man she thought he was, and she became stuck in an abusive marriage. the only good thing to come out of that marriage was her daughter, sophia. everything came to a head when one night, ed completely lost his cool and beat carol within an inch of her life. it was six year old sophia who called 9-1-1 and was instructed by operator sue blevins what to do and how to remain calm. sergeant athena grant arrived on scene with two other officers, and swiftly arrested ed peletier for domestic assault. the 118 arrived shortly after, where henrietta wilson and howie han got carol stable and transported to the nearest hospital.
it took a few months for carol to heal from the injuries she sustained, but the important thing to her was that ed was out of their life, and they were finally free. with this newfound freedom, she knew she needed a job. without a college degree, she didn't have many options when she decided to try her luck at the one place that had saved her life that day. she went through orientation, and became part of the real heroes of los angeles, 9-1-1 operators.carol eventually became good friends with athena grant and hen wilson, as well as sue blevins and abby clark. when abby leaves and is replaced by maddie buckley, carol is reminded so much about herself and her past, that it becomes her mission to make sure maddie stays safe and never ends up in the same position as she did. unfortunately that mission fails when maddie is abducted by her abuser. she's there when maddie returns, and is there through all the other obstacles our favorite heroes are forced to face.


unhealdall musesallmain
strnzaeliza kardelfriendship/familialexclusive
b4dideaaaron hotchnerfriendship/romanticmain
carltongrimescarl grimesfamilialmain
s-unfleurall musesallmain
melioroalyssa williamsfriendship/familialmain